This is our journey…

through the love, and the unfortunate loss of our son, Weston.

I started writing out my thoughts and feelings as a way to help me grieve. I didn’t know anyone close to me who had been through what I am living through, and that was tough. Don’t get me wrong, I am so lucky to have such a supportive family and group of friends, who do their best to try to empathize with the pain I live with, and I am SO thankful.

However, no one, unless you have lost a child yourself, will truly understand the pain this type of loss carries.

My hope through this blog, aside from being a place where Weston is forever remembered, is that I am able to reach other loss parents who are going through the same thing as we are. I know when I first lost Weston, I searched SO long for someone, ANYONE, who was at one point in the same shoes. I wanted to see- to know, that they were able to get through the darkest moments. I needed the proof.

I had a hard time finding those moms, it was honestly like searching for a needle in a haystack. I don’t blame them though, its hard to be a loss mom- its harder to find other moms who you could relate too, and its even harder to find a community that is willing to listen.

If you are a loss mom, that somehow stumbled across my page, desperately searching for a reason.. I hope that this page can give you that validation- that sense that you are not alone in this.

If you are a family member, a friend, someone who we may have connected with over the years, or maybe just met.. I hope this page can bring a sense of understanding of this taboo topic. The support of others, means the most during this time, and those small moments of acknowledgement of our feelings, and our babies, in the eyes of a bereaved parent, do NOT go unnoticed, so thank you.

I hope that over time, as I continue to write, that I can look back and see growth in times when I didn’t think growth was possible.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to follow us on our journey...

With love- Reyna